We Are Always At The Risk Of Cancer

Cancer is such a damaging process that parts of our own body grows uncontrollably and harms us severely. We have to understand how and why cancer starts and progresses. Even if we are in best of physical conditions and environment free of any carcinogens and stresses, we will still be at risk of cancer. The very process of staying alive, the metabolism process that goes in our body cells, the process of digestion, growth etc. alone is sufficient risk for this disease.

To understand these basic cancer risks, we have to understand the process of oxidation. The oxygen molecule is the very basis of life without which life cannot last even for few minutes can also. The same oxygen can also harm the body. In the normal metabolic process in our body oxygen oxidizes the food we eat to produce energy. This process not only produces energy but also highly reactive forms of oxygen called free radicals as a by product. These free radicals are unstable ions which can instantly attach to a healthy molecule. When molecules in our cells encounter these free radicals, they suffer serious damage. This process can be self perpetuating as the damaged molecule become free radicals themselves causing series of continuous damage to healthy molecules. When the free radicals damage the molecules in the cells they actually damage the DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). DNA is the material in the protoplasm of every cell that contains the genetic program and information of life. The DNA is unique for every living organism.

No two humans will have similar DNA, It has been estimated that every cell in our body is subjected to thousands of damaging oxidative attacks to its DNA daily. We could succumb to this damage within few months of life but for the defense mechanism that is there in us in the form of antioxidants. These anti oxidants scavenge these free radicals and prevent them from damaging cellular DNA. Some of these antioxidants are produced in our body and most of them are present in the food we intake. The plant based foods are riches source of anti oxidants called phyto nutrients. Phyto nutrients are present in all plant based edible foods that undergo the photo synthesis process.

Antioxidant metabolism explains the process of cancer. Most of the risk factors for cancer are in one way or another related to an increased rate of free-radical attack on the cells of the body. Apart from internally produced free radicals there are external source of free radicals. These are smoking, excessive unprotected exposure to sunlight, exposure to poisonous chemicals in our food and environment. Many forms of infection and inflammation also promote cancer.

By Andy Kahn

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