Every year more than 580,000 new cases are found in various developing countries and approximately 372,000 patients die from this disease. Unfortunately, until now the cause of breast cancer is still unknown.
There are several things that can increase the risk of breast cancer, including age, medical history, heredity, hormonal factors such as the first menstruation too soon and early menopause. Besides that, efforts to delay pregnancy or the first pregnancy occurring over the age of 30 can also increase the risk. An unhealthy lifestyle, for example, often consuming foods that contain bad fats, or lack of exercise, can also increase the risk of developing breast cancer.
WHO data shows that 78% of breast cancer occurs in women aged 50 years and over. Only 6% occur in those who are less than 40 years old. However, more and more breast cancer patients are in their 30s. Therefore, if you are in a high-risk group, even though you are only in your 30s, there is nothing wrong with being more vigilant about the changes that occur in your breasts.
Indonesia has been campaigning for BSE (self-examination of the breasts) for quite a long time. BSE is an act of early detection of the symptoms of breast cancer. This method is very simple, but it is hoped that it can reduce the high rate of breast cancer sufferers, because the earlier it is detected, the faster the treatment process is needed.
Breast self-examination is done by feeling the breast itself whether there is a lump or not, whether it hurts or doesn't hurt. Lumps can indicate a tumor. 8 out of 10 lumps found in the breast are benign or non-cancerous. However, if you find a permanent lump in your breast, see your doctor immediately to make sure that the lump is not dangerous. Also pay attention to the skin of the breasts, are the veins getting more visible? Does the skin around the nipples get wrinkled? Then look at the nipples if there is sticky fluid or blood coming out. Finally, pay attention to the size and position of the breasts. If the size is smaller or one position is lower than the other, you should immediately consult a doctor.

There are several things that can increase the risk of breast cancer, including age, medical history, heredity, hormonal factors such as the first menstruation too soon and early menopause. Besides that, efforts to delay pregnancy or the first pregnancy occurring over the age of 30 can also increase the risk. An unhealthy lifestyle, for example, often consuming foods that contain bad fats, or lack of exercise, can also increase the risk of developing breast cancer.
WHO data shows that 78% of breast cancer occurs in women aged 50 years and over. Only 6% occur in those who are less than 40 years old. However, more and more breast cancer patients are in their 30s. Therefore, if you are in a high-risk group, even though you are only in your 30s, there is nothing wrong with being more vigilant about the changes that occur in your breasts.
Indonesia has been campaigning for BSE (self-examination of the breasts) for quite a long time. BSE is an act of early detection of the symptoms of breast cancer. This method is very simple, but it is hoped that it can reduce the high rate of breast cancer sufferers, because the earlier it is detected, the faster the treatment process is needed.
Breast self-examination is done by feeling the breast itself whether there is a lump or not, whether it hurts or doesn't hurt. Lumps can indicate a tumor. 8 out of 10 lumps found in the breast are benign or non-cancerous. However, if you find a permanent lump in your breast, see your doctor immediately to make sure that the lump is not dangerous. Also pay attention to the skin of the breasts, are the veins getting more visible? Does the skin around the nipples get wrinkled? Then look at the nipples if there is sticky fluid or blood coming out. Finally, pay attention to the size and position of the breasts. If the size is smaller or one position is lower than the other, you should immediately consult a doctor.

There are a small number of breast cancers present without a lump at all. This type of breast cancer, known as Inflammatory Breast Cancer (IBC), is quite rare and a very aggressive type. If not diagnosed immediately, it can cause death.
Recognize the symptoms such as:
Men can also get breast cancer, although the percentage is smaller than women. Breast cancer in men is also dangerous. The spread of breast cancer in men is faster because the tissue around men's breasts is thinner than women's so that in the early stages there may be adhesions to the surrounding tissue. Because of this, it is recommended that men also do BSE so that any changes are quickly noticed.
Source: ArticleTunnel
- Rapid and abnormal growth in breast size
- Appearance of redness, rash or ulcers on the breast,
- Prolonged itching of the breasts or nipples
- Thickening of the breast tissue
- There is a sharp pain or tenderness in the breast,
- There is a burning sensation (like fever) in the breast,
- Swollen lymph nodes in the armpit or under the collarbone
- There is a dimple in the breast,
- Nipples become flat or sink inward.
Men can also get breast cancer, although the percentage is smaller than women. Breast cancer in men is also dangerous. The spread of breast cancer in men is faster because the tissue around men's breasts is thinner than women's so that in the early stages there may be adhesions to the surrounding tissue. Because of this, it is recommended that men also do BSE so that any changes are quickly noticed.
Source: ArticleTunnel
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