About Chemotherapy

If somewhere in our body there is excessive cell growth, a lump or tumor will occur.These tumors can be benign or malignant. This malignant tumor is called cancer. Malignant tumors have unique properties, which can spread to other parts of the body to develop into new tumors.This spread is called Metastasis.Cancer has different characteristics. Some grow fast, some grow not too fast.

There are approximately 130 types of cancer, which affect our bodies in various ways and require different treatments. But all types of cancer have one thing in common: they consist of cells that divide rapidly and grow uncontrollably. The main function of chemotherapy drugs is to recognize and destroy cells like this.

Chemotherapy has been used since the 1950s. Usually given before or after surgery. The goal is to eradicate all cancer cells down to their roots, to locations where a scalpel cannot reach. At least to control cancer cells so they don't spread more widely. Cancer treatment depends on the type or type of cancer that is suffered and where the cancer comes from. Age, general health condition of the patient and treatment system also affect the cancer treatment process. In the case of cancer, the main treatment is through:

1. Surgery,
2. Chemotherapy or by administering drugs,
3. Radiotherapy or use of radiation beams.

In fact, in general, more than one type of treatment is usually used above, for example surgery followed by chemotherapy or radiotherapy , sometimes even treatment is used with 3 combinations ( surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy ). Basically the main goal of surgery is to remove the cancer as a whole because cancer can only heal if it has not spread to other places. Meanwhile, chemotherapy and radiation therapy are not aimed at killing cancer cells or stopping the growth of cancer cells that are still left behind.

Chemotherapy is a treatment process using drugs that aim to kill or slow the growth of cancer cells. Many drugs are used in Chemotherapy.

The benefits of chemotherapy include the following:

Some types of cancer can be completely cured with one type of chemotherapy or several types of chemotherapy.

Chemotherapy aims to inhibit the development of cancer so that it does not grow in size or spread to other tissues.

If chemotherapy cannot get rid of cancer, then chemotherapy is given aims to reduce the symptoms that arise in sufferers, such as relieving pain and giving a better feeling and reducing the size of the cancer in the affected area .

Chemotherapy can be given by infusion, direct injection (into the muscles, under the skin, body cavity) and by mouth (tablets/capsules).
  • In the form of tablets or capsules to be taken several times a day. the advantages of this kind of oral chemotherapy are: it can be done at home.
  • In the form of injections or injections. Can be done in a doctor's office, hospital, clinic, even at home.
  • In the form of an infusion. Performed in a hospital, clinic or at home (by a trained paramedic ).
Depending on the type, chemotherapy is given every day, once a week, once every three weeks, even once a month. How many series of patients have to undergo chemotherapy, also depends on the type of cancer the patient has. The most feared of chemotherapy is the side effects. There are people who do not feel any side effects of chemotherapy. Some experienced mild side effects. But there are also those who suffer greatly from it. Whether or not chemotherapy side effects are severe depends on many things, including the type of chemotherapy drug, your body's condition, your psychological condition, and so on. Chemotherapy side effects arise because chemotherapy drugs are very strong, and not only kill cancer cells, but also attack healthy cells, especially cells that divide rapidly. Because of that the side effects of chemotherapy appear in parts of the body where the cells are dividing rapidly. Side effects can appear while treatment is being carried out or some time after treatment. Side effects that can arise include:

1. Weak
Common side effects arise. Its onset can be sudden or slow. Does not disappear immediately with rest, sometimes it continues until the end of treatment.

2. Nausea and Vomiting
There are several chemotherapy drugs that make nausea and vomiting more. In addition there are some people who are very prone to nausea and vomiting. This can be prevented with anti-nausea drugs given before, during or after chemotherapy treatment. Nausea and vomiting can be short or long.

3. Digestive Disorders
Some types of chemotherapy drugs have the effect of diarrhea. Some even become accompanied by diarrheasevere dehydration that must be treated. Constipation can sometimes occur. If diarrhea: reduce fiber foods, cereals, fruits and vegetables. Drink plenty to replace lost fluids. If it is difficult to defecate: multiply fibrous foods, light exercise if possible.

4. Canker sores
Some chemotherapy drugs cause mouth disease such as feeling thick or infected. Healthy oral conditions are very important in chemotherapy .

5. Hair Loss
Hair loss is temporary, usually occurring two or three weeks after chemotherapy begins. It can also cause hair to break near the scalp. Can occurs after several weeks of therapy. Hair can grow again after chemotherapy is finished.

6. Muscles and Nerves
Some chemotherapy drugs cause tingling and numbness in the fingers or toes and weakness in the leg muscles. Some can occur pain in the muscles.

7. Effects on the Blood
Several types of chemotherapy drugs can affect the work of the bone marrow, which is a factory for making blood cells, so that the number of blood cells decreases. The most common is a decrease in white blood cells (leukocytes). A decrease in blood cells occurs with each chemotherapy and a blood test will be performed before the next chemotherapy to confirm the cell count blood has returned to normal. A decrease in the number of blood cells can result in:

a. Susceptibility to infection.
This is caused by a decrease in the number of leukocytes, because leukocytes are blood cells that function to protect against infection. There are several drugs that can increase the number of leukocytes.

b. Bleeding Platelets

(thrombocytes) play a role in the blood clotting process. A decrease in the number of platelets results in bleeding that is difficult to stop, bruises, red spots on the skin.

c. Anemia

Anemia is a decrease in the number of red blood cells characterized by a decrease in Hb (hemoglobin). Because Hb is located inside the red blood cells. The result of anemia is a feeling weak, tired easily and looking pale.

8. Skin can become dry and change color.
More sensitive to the sun. Nails grow more slowly and there is a transverse white line.

9. Hormone Production
Reduce sex appetite and fertility

Each drug has different side effects! Each person's reaction in each cycle is also different!
But you have nothing to fear. Along with chemotherapy, doctors usually also provide drugs to keep the side effects to a minimum. After all, all the side effects are temporary. Once the chemotherapy is stopped, your condition will return to normal.

Some food supplement products claim to reduce the side effects of chemotherapy while rebuilding your body's condition. You can use it, but consult with the experts, and of course with your doctor too.

Currently, with the increasingly widespread use of herbal medicines (which are increasingly being accepted by the medical community), many clinics claim to be able to provide side-effect-free herbal chemotherapy. If you intend to use it, make sure that the person treating you at the clinic is a medical doctor. At the very least you should consult with the doctor who treats you, and have regular laboratory tests to monitor the results.

From the Unordinary World - Source: DR. dr. Noorwati S, SpPD. KHOM (Dharmais Cancer Hospital Website) and Cancer House Read alsoCan Chemotherapy Cure All Cancers?

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