Breast Cancer, should I undergo surgery?

Currently, the number of breast cancer patients in Indonesia ranks second after cervical cancer. Maybe some people do not know much about the causes of breast cancer.

Breast cancer is a type of malignant tumor that grows in the breast tissue. This cancer begins to grow in the mammary glands, milk ducts, fatty tissue and connective tissue in the breast.

Until now, the cause of breast cancer cannot be known with certainty. But there are several factors that cause breast cancer, including; hereditary factors, factors of menarche (first menstruation) before the age of 12 years, menopause after the age of 55 years, first pregnancy after the age of 30 years or have never been pregnant also trigger the risk of breast cancer.

In addition, having suffered from non-cancerous breast disease, using birth control pills or estrogen replacement therapy, postmenopausal obesity, alcohol use, especially more than 1 to 2 drinks per day, can increase the risk of developing breast cancer.

As a result of chemicals, where several studies have mentioned exposure to chemicals that resemble estrogen (which are in pesticides and other industrial products) may increase the risk of breast cancer. DES (diethylstilbestrol), namely women who consume DES to prevent miscarriage have a high risk of developing breast cancer. The latter is due to irradiation.

Every woman should be wary of growing lumps around the breast. Because the initial symptom of breast cancer is the appearance of a lump that is usually felt differently from the surrounding breast tissue. These lumps are painless and usually have irregular edges.

To treat breast cancer at this time apart from surgery, it can also be treated by applying medical therapy. As is done by the Modern Hospital of Guangzhou which treats cancer using the 'Minimally Invasive Target' method. That is a combination of Eastern and Western medicine. This medicine brings world-class technology and equipment to the standards of a combination of East and West. The treatment goes straight to the tumor center, the side effects are small, the pain is mild, and the results are effective, as some cancer patients who have been treated at this hospital have acknowledged.

This method of combining treatment is adjusted to the condition of each patient being treated. This treatment concept received a warm welcome from patients at home and abroad. Sam, who is a patient at the Guangzhou Modern Hospital, chose this method of treatment.

This treatment provides a series of medical treatments by implanting Radioactive Particles accompanied by the distribution of anticancer drugs to the tumor center through blood-supplying arteries, Photodynamic Therapy, X-Ray Therapy, and Modern Biological Immunization Therapy.

Apart from that, herbal therapy and dietary adjustments are also applied. After undergoing various series of medical treatments for three weeks, Sam's tumor had shrunk and there was no visible spread. And the quality of life also increases. (Ana R)

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