This site was initially created in Bahasa Indonesia, the language spoken among friends and readers in my home lands, whom I'd like to share everything I've learned about breast cancer to. However, shortly after published in mid July 2007 I received several suggestions from some English speaking friends who encouraged me to have it published in English as well.
Therefore, although I understand there are tons of "advanced" information about cancer and breast cancer presented in English on the internet, and naturally make this one simply meaningless, but eventually I decided to take those suggestions into an act.
So here we are, viewing my humble breast cancer site that relates to number of world class' cancer care sites in the neighborhood!
I just hope it works the way my dear English speaking friends wanted it from the first place and the way you might also have expected it too.
However, since this site is still under re-construction and many things are yet being put on-the-go status, I therefore would appreciate if anyone of you would share comments, suggestions, critics, or ideas that may help this site improved.
So, will you please be so kind to give me more feed back then?
Thank you very much for your time and attention.
Warm regards,
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