Breast Cancer can be prevented

BASED on data, breast cancer is the second most common malignancy in women after cervical cancer. In Indonesia, the frequency (prevalence) of breast cancer is increasing, reaching 11.6% of all malignancies. This frequency tends to increase due to changes in lifestyle including changes in dietary patterns by consuming high fat and increasing public awareness about health and advances in medical technology in the field of early diagnosis.

AS IS KNOWLEDGE, our body is composed of cells that are constantly growing. Sometimes the growth is out of control and forms a lump. Most of these lumps are harmless. However, if an abnormal lump continues to grow and become malignant, this is what is called a malignant tumor. This malignant tumor is called cancer.

Malignant tumors have unique properties, which can spread to other parts of the body to develop into new tumors. This spread is called metastasis. Cancer has different characteristics. Some grow quickly, some grow not too fast, such as breast cancer. Especially for cases of breast cancer, the first cancer cells can grow into a tumor of 1 cm in 8-12 years. The cancer cells live in the mammary glands.

These breast cancer cells can spread through the bloodstream throughout the body. Breast cancer cells can hide in our bodies for years without us knowing and suddenly become active as malignant or cancerous tumors. The signs of early breast cancer are a single lump, hard and dense in consistency, firm boundaries, less than 5 cm in size, free from the base and surface of the skin, and no metastases.

Meanwhile, high-risk groups for breast cancer are:
  • Women over the age of 30.
  • Have had a history of breast cancer.
  • Women over 25 years of age whose family (mother, mother's sister, mother's sister) has had breast cancer.
  • Women who are not married or who are married but have never given birth to children.
  • Women who gave birth to their first child after the age of 35.
  • Non-breastfeeding women.
  • Have experienced repeated trauma to the breast.
  • Menarche (first menstruation) at a very young age.
  • Had previous radiation to the breast (keloid treatment).
  • Obese women.
  • Have had breast or reproductive surgery.
  • Ever received old hormonal drugs because of infertility.
  • Experiencing various kinds of great shocks in his life.

Prevention and treatment
Prof. Marc Van Eijkeren, an oncologist from University Hospital Belgium who recently came to Bandung, said that one in nine women in the world has cancer. Therefore, it is important for every woman to do early detection of breast cancer.

The method is very simple, namely by doing breast self-examination ("realize") from the age of 20 years. "Sadari" is highly recommended to be done every month, namely during the menstrual week for women aged 20 years and over.

For women aged 20 to 39 years, it is also recommended to see a doctor every 3 years. As for women aged 40 years and over, a doctor's examination is carried out every year. In addition, it is also necessary to do mammography 1-2 times at the age of 40-49 years, momography every year after the age of 50 years.

Meanwhile, there are two methods used by doctors to check for breast cancer. The first is the ultrasonic method. With this method it can be seen whether a lump is a solid object or a liquid.

The second most accurate method is mammography. Mammography or mammography uses X-rays that are irradiated to the breast. The result of X-ray radiation is a film that can show areas that are suspected of being a tumor. Generally, tumors have a density or mass density that is greater than normal muscle tissue so that the intensity of X-rays after penetrating the tumor is smaller than the intensity of X-rays after penetrating normal muscle tissue. It is this difference that produces a film that can show the presence of a tumor.

While another detection method is breast thermography which is carried out using an infrared camera with a small temperature sensitivity (approximately 0.01 degrees Celsius) with a narrow range of temperature measurements (approximately 0-70 degrees Celsius).

The main difference between thermography and mammography lies in the process of obtaining data. In thermography, the infrared camera only receives infrared radiation from the breast to measure its temperature. So, the nature of thermography is non-invasive so there is no radiation hazard at all.

Another way is with a small operation to take a tissue sample (biopsy) from the lump, then examine it under an anatomical pathology laboratory microscope. If it is known and confirmed that the lump is cancer, the breast must be completely removed to avoid spreading to other parts of the body.

The method that is often used in treating cancer is mastectomy which often has detrimental cosmetic effects for sufferers. The reason is, this method of treatment is very radical because with this mastectomy, breast tissue must be removed.

Although mastectomy is considered the best therapy for breast cancer, losing a breast has an adverse impact on the cosmetic, psychological, and sexual sufferers. Fortunately, now researchers have developed a treatment method known as breast conserving treatment (BCT).

By undergoing BCT therapy, women with cancer will not worry about losing their breasts. BCT is a treatment for early-stage breast malignancy (stages I and II) which consists of conversion surgery in the form of lumpectomy, segment or quadrantectomy followed by radiation with or without chemotherapy to eradicate the tumor while maintaining the cosmetic effect of the breast.

A number of randomized and nonrandom studies have shown that BCT treatment has local control rates and survival rates that are comparable to mastectomy, which has been often used as the first choice for cancer eradication but has cosmetic and psychological effects that are detrimental to sufferers.

Cancer development
In stage I, the size of the tumor is not more than 2 - 2.25 cm and there is no spread (metastasis) to the axillary lymph nodes. At this stage, the possibility of complete healing is 70%. To check the presence or absence of metastases to other parts of the body, it must be examined in the laboratory.

In stage II, the tumor is larger than 2.25 cm and metastases have occurred in the lymph nodes in the armpit. At this stage, the possibility of recovery is only 30-40% depending on the extent of the spread of cancer cells.

In stage III, the tumor is large enough, cancer cells have spread throughout the body, and there is little chance of recovery. Breast medicine has no meaning anymore. Usually treatment is only in the form of irradiation and chemotherapie / chemotherapy (administration of drugs that can kill cancer cells). Sometimes surgery is also performed to remove parts of the breast that are already severe. This effort is only to inhibit the process of developing cancer cells in the body and relieve sufferers as much as possible.

However, for optimal treatment, cancer therapy must involve three important things, namely surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. This method of treatment is given according to the stage of the disease.

Prevention is better.
Because the treatment of breast cancer is very complicated and requires a lot of money, we should prioritize preventive rather than curative efforts. Now, researchers have a lot to know how to prevent it, at least reduce the risk of breast cancer.

Efforts that can be made are to do "realize" and periodic checks to doctors who are experts. Apart from that, it is also important for us to always live a healthy life, among others by exercising regularly. Research shows, in line with increased activity, the risk of breast cancer will decrease.

Exercising will reduce the level of estrogen produced by the body thereby reducing the risk of breast cancer. Furthermore, avoid high-fat foods, eat lots of fruits and vegetables or other fibrous foods, eat more tofu and foods that contain soy, avoid alcohol, and watch your weight because every pound of weight gain after the age of 18 will increase your risk of breast cancer. This is in line with the increase in body fat, the level of estrogen as a hormone that triggers breast cancer in the blood will also increase.

In addition, avoid xeno-estrogens (estrogens that come from outside the body). Generally, estrogen from outside the body is consumed through estrogenic hormone residues found in meat and estrogenic pesticide residues. Allegedly, xeno-estrogens can increase blood estrogen levels thereby increasing the risk of breast cancer, do not smoke, breastfeed/feed, and finally avoid stress. Medical literature states that stress can increase the risk of breast cancer.

Thus, women should be encouraged to know that breast cancer does not need to be a deadly cancer if women maintain breast health and detect it early.

Source: PR

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